My next travel adventure to… Copenhagen

Deciding to visit Copenhagen definitely came out of the blue. No sooner had I arrived back from my trip to Amsterdam, did the urge to travel begin to nudge me once again. Hard. In fact, I nearly fell over! Okay, so I didn’t really fall, but you get what I mean. So, what now? My next travel adventure to Copenhagen of course!

Deciding on Copenhagen

I’d wanted to visit Denmark, more specifically Copenhagen, for a while. It was mostly pictures of its Venice-like canals or those of Nyhavn with its colourful buildings that captured my attention. Add to that the grand palaces and castles and its relaxed city vibe, and my interest was most definitely secured. I also watch a lot of Danish dramas such as The Bridge, The Killing, Dicte and Follow the Money, so choosing Copenhagen  was even easier. I booked a flight without too much thought of what I’d do whilst there.

As quickly as I had decided to visit, did the trip itself come around. I’d pushed it to the back of my mind since it felt like I had a little time to plan, before I knew it, my trip was less than a week away and I had nothing. Like nothing!

Research on the fly

I had to do some research and quickly. Once I decided to get myself in gear and think about what I wanted to do and see, like the famous Øresund (The Bridge), I ended up with what seemed like a lot of things to see and do and all in less than 72 hours. But when I plan a trip, I plan a trip!

I already knew a few of the main places to visit from what I knew of the city – The Little Mermaid, Nyhavn and Tivoli Gardens. I like to have a good idea of what to do each day, so even if things change, I can swap stuff around.

My hit list was already growing and a plan quickly coming together. Strangely, I found it quite relaxing once I got started, despite sorting it in a few days. It all adds to the buzz before jetting off.

Within an evening I pretty much had all the key places to visit on my radar and took to my notes to break it all down by day.

My trip to Copenhagen was starting to take shape!  Have you been to Copenhagen before?

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